Friday, October 19, 2012

Haykotas harsh climate for people and animals

 part of our security team
 off to town for a cool one
 take note of the thorns there are little leaves on these
 branches that a lot of animals seem to enjoy
 more of the same
 oh hell there has to be a better thorn bush out ther some place

Haykota Region

         some of the team ready to go toHaykota
 some children out side my work shop looks very secure
 looking out of the eastern Sudan
 Kitenge preparing to start first hole
 Kitenge said wait need a group photo
 Kitenge,Anuar,Mulugeta,Nadaiu,and Yamane
 safety first
ok get her done

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Around Asmara

                                                   Asmara Palace hotel and fine dining

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

well home again

have not been able to post anything for awhile because no internet  hope to get some pics on soon this is mygarden in Asmara

Thursday, December 8, 2011

life around Affar

 little girl tending goats
 same girl
 man working the fields
 lady hauling wood not wanting her picture taken

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

a coffee ceremony for me

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

on the road in Ethiopia

around Mekele and on the road to the hottest place on earth the Danakil depression

this is one of the many small helpers
Roger and the boys
old mercedes
Mekele Market
house in rural Danakil

camels on the road to the salt flats

more homes

a village

more camels

camels and donkeys

camels have to haul their own food on the two hundred kilometer trip